Soul Bond Page 12
“Call him sir,” Ben urged desperately.
Just like on the slave ship.
“Sir,” Adam mumbled. “It feels good, sir.” The word tasted of blood. Already his mouth had begun to swell from where it had connected with the cross.
Tau stepped away and in the next moment Ben was there, a silent presence at his back. Adam moaned aloud, straining towards him. Candle flames leapt. When he squeezed shut his eyes, their light continued to dance behind his lids. It grew brighter, sparks whirling.
Sparks. They rained down about Ben, falling from the gauntlet held aloft on Adam’s own wrist. Ben crouched on his hands and knees at Adam’s feet, legs wide, ass turned up for another blow.
“Oh fuck,” Adam muttered, even as the vision claimed him. His symbiot thrashed.
“I’ll try not to hurt you,” Ben whispered in his thoughts, but both the sentence and the instrument changing hands behind his back were meaningless compared to his fantasy. As if they had nothing to do with him, Adam felt the sudden rush of air over his skin, heard the low whistle. The whip cracked across his shoulders and his body screamed loud and long.
Diatribes of longing and lust echoed in the chamber. He had not known that he had such words for Ben. He knew only that no matter how hard he hit, Ben remained stubbornly silent, refusing to tell Adam how much he wanted this.
The lash snapped across his skin a second time. Adam arched into it, arms knotted beneath his shackles. The pain paled in comparison to the electricity sizzling in his fist.
Red bloomed across Ben’s back, mocking him. “Tell me, tell me, call my name—”
The whip licked over his spine, and Adam pulled wildly on his bindings.
“Wonderful,” Tau said, so far away. “Absolutely wonderful.”
“Isn’t he?” Ben asked. In Adam’s ears, Ben’s voice was amused. In Adam’s mind, Ben was ice against fire, as immobile and cold as a glacier.
No. Ben had to burn.
Adam’s eyes rolled back in his head as the world exploded in a crimson supernova.
Again the lash. At Adam’s ankle a strap came free, then at his wrist. “Mas…” Adam began, brokenly, but that wasn’t right.
The whip sliced deeper still, and blood poured down his back. “Mas…” he tried again, but still the word would not come. He couldn’t say it again, not now, not ever. He was only meant to hear it.
With a sudden wrench the last of the bindings gave. Adam whirled.
Ben stumbled back, eyes wide, and the whip fell from his fingers.
Adam leapt.
Ben was the one who would beg to be mastered now.
In space, no one will hear them moan.
© 2010 Kallysten
A Men in Space Story
The job was supposed to be an easy one for Captain Kar and his two-man crew: land the Danaus on the deserted moon, appropriate a few boxes of precious chromore, and jump out of the system before the Guardians could get to them. Even Will and Jay’s inability to keep their hands off each other for any length of time should not have been too much of a problem.
They discover too late it’s the laineards’ mating season. The resulting sexual pheromones begin to affect them as soon as they step off the ship. With Will and Jay losing their minds to lust, and Kar himself blinded by visions of the two men he has wanted for months, things suddenly get much harder than expected.
Their only hope for not ending up in jail is to get out of there before the Guardians find them. Except an open loading dock contaminated the air inside the Danaus. And Kar will have to resort to drastic measures to keep Jay and Will apart long enough to escape…
Warning: The Lodge does not endorse or otherwise approve of this sexually charged M/M/M rendition of one of its elite members cavorting with the crew of a thieving spaceship while under the influence of pheromones-induced, overwhelming and all-consuming lust.
Enjoy the following excerpt for Moonlust:
With an enraged gesture, Jay lowered the sound of the comm so he wouldn’t hear the small gasps and moans rising from the cargo bay anymore.
“Damn you, Kar. You’ll pay for this.”
Pay for what, Jay didn’t really know at that moment. For locking him in the cockpit alone or for taking Will as his own? He couldn’t have said which was worse. Frustration burned through his veins like acid, but how much of it was simply denied lust, and how much was pure jealousy?
The sound was gone, but Jay’s mind continued to churn out images of what they might be doing. He didn’t want to know, not really, and he certainly didn’t want to see, and still he heard himself mutter, “Mid quadrant one. Display cargo bay.”
The screen directly in front of him blinked to life. Part of him hoped they’d left the bay already and found their way to the living quarters. Or maybe, if he was lucky, they’d be hidden from view by a stack of boxes or—
Jay groaned. No such luck. As chance had it, Kar and Will were in front of the surveillance camera, slightly off-center but close enough Jay could see the tension in Kar’s fingers as they cupped the back of Will’s head. They were kissing. Jay licked his lips and leaned forward in his seat. With Will’s back to him, he couldn’t really see much more than the constantly changing angle of their tilted heads. Kar’s eyes were closed, and he looked younger. He held Will to him with both hands, the fingers of the right one threaded in his hair while the left rested chastely at the small of his back. Jay could just guess where Will’s hands were: one curled around Kar’s neck, strong yet gentle, and the other on his chest, probably, his thumb running back and forth over one nipple, then the other.
A painful jolt radiated from his cock, and he pressed his hand tightly against it. He’d been hard for too long. He craved relief. But not by his own hand, not like this, not alone while—
“Pursuing ships have jumped on our vector.”
Jay growled at the computer’s announcement, both because he had hoped he had shaken the Guardians and because at that instant, Kar’s voice was the very last thing he wanted to hear. Why had it seemed like such a good idea to program the synchro this way?
“Lower quadrant four. Display radar.”
The bottom right screen shifted from a view of the sun the Danaus was orbiting as closely as its shields allowed, to the rotating representation of the ship and its immediate vicinity. There were only two other ships on the radar, still at some distance. Jay searched for the third one, but after a few seconds he nodded in satisfaction. He’d lost one of the three ships that had been chasing them. Only two left before he could find a way to open the cockpit door and go kick Kar’s ass.
He glanced at the other screen at the thought and winced, immediately realizing his mistake. His hand moved toward the controls that would turn off that camera, but he forgot what he was doing when he watched Kar tug Will’s shirt out of his pants and over his head. Kar’s hands returned to Will’s back at once, sliding over skin that was perfectly smooth, Jay knew, descending lower and under the waistband of Will’s pants.
He tore his gaze away and breathed in deeply. The air in the cockpit had to be clean by now. He was not a slave to his dick anymore. Nothing forced him to keep watching them. His hand hesitated toward the shut-off command, but it retreated without erasing the image on the screen.
“Mid quadrant four. Display map of the closest solar systems.”
He found what he needed in seconds. It wasn’t the closest system, but it would work fine. Keeping his eyes resolutely downcast, he started calculating his next move. Jumping this close to a sun had scared a Guardian. He’d try doing it again and take things from there.
One of the Guardians was accelerating, no doubt to get in front of the Danaus once more and force it to slow down. The second one was approaching on the nexus side for another attempt at grasping the Danaus. If they managed to capture the nexus, there would be no more jumping, and the game would be over.
Jay started a new evasive maneuver, this time rolling down and to the ri
ght when the last time he had angled the ship to the left.
He glanced at the cargo bay image even as the familiar warning fell from his lips. “Jump in—” His mouth was dry suddenly, and he didn’t know what he had been about to say anymore.
Will and Kar were on the floor now, both of them bare-chested, Kar propped on his forearm over Will. They lay sideways toward the camera so that Jay could see everything. He could see their tongues dueling as they kissed. He could see Kar’s hand, wrapped over both their cocks, holding them together as he bucked against Will, as Will arched into him. They hadn’t done more than free their cocks, hadn’t even shoved their pants down, and Will’s hands, hidden beneath the fabric, were kneading Kar’s ass and pulling him closer.
Jay took in a shaky breath and muttered, not caring anymore if they heard him, “Jump now.” He pressed the jump control and forced himself to keep his eyes on the computer screen in front of him. Two more jumps would take them to another sun, smaller than the last but with a warmer surface temperature. The Danaus had better heat shields than the Guardians’ ships. Those were made for speed, while the Danaus was a transport and exploration class. As long as they didn’t stay there too long…
His calculations made, he looked at the time. A few more moments before he could coax another jump from the Danaus. His eyes drifted to the cargo chamber view even as two dots appeared on the radar.
“Pursuing ships have—” the computer started, but Jay interrupted it abruptly.
Jay had to be imagining it, but the computer’s last word sounded reproachful. He knew quite well that tone of voice coming from Kar. He usually didn’t mind it. But right then, he didn’t want to hear it. He didn’t want to hear Kar at all, didn’t want to know what words his lips were forming, so close to Will’s own.
His fingers crept toward the comm controls, and he increased the sound gradually.
“Are you close?”
Will made a little grunting noise.
“Talk to me, Will. Is this—” He bucked harder against Will. Jay groaned. “—good?”
“Yes,” Will moaned, even as Jay hissed the same word.
This was what his first time with Will had been like—messy kisses, frottage, him trying to pull more than grunts from Will’s reluctant lips. They had been against a wall rather than the floor, and still fully clothed, but he remembered the desire on Will’s face, recognized the way he kept scrunching his eyes and opening them again as though afraid Kar would disappear if he stopped looking.
They kissed again, their mouths meeting harshly enough to bruise. Jay forced himself to look at the computer display. It was time to jump. He pressed the control without bothering to give a warning. He doubted they’d hear him if he did.
Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
It’s all about the story…
Red Hots!
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Young Adult